Represented Business Divisions


Nordics Alliance Overview:

Date: Monday, 16th of September

Time: 5:00pm – 9:30pm

Venue:  Radisson Blu Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre (Meeting room 25)

Location:  Nils Ericsons Plan 4 Stockholm, Sweden 

The Executive Business Exchange dinner  is a gathering consists of technology leaders who have been highlighted as being able to offer value in terms of content and influence. It is designed to form alliances and to drive progressive change in the business world and beyond.

We are passionate in creating custom events with digital content designed to talk together, learn better and experience more. 

CIO ThemesCustomer Centricity, Digital Strategy, Data is a Four Letter Word

Format: 10-15 Information Technology Leaders / Panels / Workshops / Networking

CISO Themes – Digital Security Strategy, Important of Culture, Strengthening the weaknesses in Cyber Security

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Exclusive EBE Partner

  • 1700


    Arrival and Networking

  • 1755

    Welcome Remarks

  • 1800

    Session 1 - Opening Panel Debate


    Traditional Enterprises Processes and Boundaries are being reshaped as companies move to a new App based economy to drive out their digital first strategies. Information Security has to step outside of it’s comfort zone and evolve both thinking and approach in order to manage risk in this brave world.

    IT security leaders also require a next generation security strategy to match the progression and transformation of their internal technology offerings. This requires having integrated, automated, and effective controls in place to detect and prevent threats, both known and unknown, at every stage of the attack lifecycle, as well as a security platform that is built from the ground up for prevention. Businesses require visibility of throughout their network, their cloud platform and all endpoints, in order to protect themselves against the new age threat landscape.

    In this panel, we will discuss the challenges of managing security across product lines and a potential operational model for Information Security for the future.

    Moderated by: Tue Jagtfelt, Global Head of IT Security at ISS World Services


    Oscar Wide, Group CISO at AF

    Jarkko Rautula, Group CISO at IKEA

    Brian O’toole, CISO at Ericsson

    Marc Lueck, Group CISO at Zscaler

  • 1840

    Networking Break

  • 1845

    Session 2 - Presentation


    Speaker: Marc Lueck, Group CISO at Zscaler

  • 1925

    Networking Break

  • 1930

    Session 3 - Presentation

    The Importance of Culture – a look at strengthening “the weakest link” in Cybersecurity

    When society is being digitally transformed, we impose a set of new technology onto a big, non-technical crowd. This can pose many risks, but done right might also produce great rewards. A speech looking at key actions to take to align security culture with the board, management and throughout the organization. The topics discussed will include a case study of actions performed within the Storebrand Group – a financial services company located in Norway and Sweden; Hypothesis’s vs. “the real world”, and some lessons learned

    Speaker: Bjorn Watne, Group CISO at Storebrand

  • 2010

    Session 4 - Round Table Session & Dinner Reception


    We, as a Cyber Security expert, are responsible for ensuring that data privacy and security are a primary focus when designing our Digital strategy solutions. And as an industry, if one of us fails in this area, it has ripple effects for us all as it slows down consumer and enterprise adoption of connected solutions. In this round table session, we will discuss considerations for designing digital security into your solution upfront.

    -How cybersecurity threat is real in your Digital strategy?

    -What steps to take when designing connected devices to mindfully minimise the data collected

    -Additional best practices -know applicable laws, take caution with third party code, encrypt all data transmissions and more.

  • 2130

    Closing Remarks & the Next Steps

    How we collate feedback and we plan to grow out the regions educational meetings.

    Highlight the chapters outcomes and action the community can make from content explored.

Partner Association

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